Excavator grade controller by Leica

Introducing Leica iCON iXE2 Automatic Excavator Grade Control

The shutdown won’t last forever….we hope everyone is well during these turbulent times and we hope you are using this time to sharpen your teeth and polish your hardhats so that when the inevitable surge of work comes…..you are more than ready!

We are now partnered with Leica Geosystems and are now promoting their iCON iXE2 automatic excavator grade control system—virtually eliminating the need for a grade checker and putting total real-time grade control in the operator’s hands.  I have used this system since 2005 in my previous excavating company and can personally attest to it’s accuracy and robustness.  You won’t believe how you used to cut grade in the past and will never go back to a laborer with a grade rod and a can of paint.  This system will cut DUAL slopes at whatever percentage you want.
Watch the videos on the product page